Ostomy Care


Course Description

The objective of Ostomy Care certification is to provide assurance to the employers by promoting the delivery of safe and effective ostomy and skin management.

This course is designed to demonstrate:

  • Ostomies – Demographics, Ostomate Bill of Rights, Terminology
    Wound Healing - Types of wound closure, Principles of wound management

  • Anatomy and Physiology of the Gastrointestinal System

  • Gastrointestinal Ostomies – Types, Surgical procedures, Stoma Assessment, Gastrointestinal Continent Diversions, Gastrointestinal Disorders

  • Urinary Diversions - Types, Surgical procedures, Stoma Assessment, Continent urinary diversions, Urinary Tract Disorders

  • Appliances, Pouching and Accessory Products for Stoma Care

  • Peristomal Skin Complications Associated with Fecal and Urinary Diversions

  • Stoma Complications Associated with Fecal and Urinary Diversions

  • Psychosocial Effects of Fecal and Urinary Diversion Surgery

  • Special Ostomy Procedures - Colostomy Irrigation, Crusting Procedure, Catheterization of an ileal conduit, Special pouching procedures, Troubleshooting Techniques

  • Tube Management - Gastrointestinal tubes, Nephrostomy, Tracheostomy, Intestinal, Biliary

  • Fistula ManagementPediatric

  • Patient Ostomy Management